HipChat – Group chat for teams App Reviews

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What a horrible update

Its just not working after update, I can open the app, but its not responding on touches (iPhone 6 plus)


Can not load messeges and slow ui


Slow as hell, constant logouts and connection issues.

Poor quality release

Push notifications doesnt work anymore. Please check your work before publishing to App Store.

Who messaged me?

Can you please fix notifications? I get a message notification and open the app and I have no idea where it came from. There are no indicators on rooms or people. Please re-think trying to stick so close to the ui on web and desktop. Mobile apps have different requirements.

Minimal functionality, inferior to desktop

I prefer hipchat to slack because (1) it has posts within a channel, which can essentially create a unique thread (slack will soon introduce threading), and (2) it allows you to associate different wunderlists to each channel. However, the mobile app is weak. Slack has you so beat here, get your act together. Mimic your desktop experience rather than giving us this stripped down app that took a Jr. Developer one weekend to write.

Horrible App!

Is Atlassian making so much money on Jira it has completely forgotten about this mess? Switching to Slack, beware same might happen to Jira soon... not cool Atlassian, not cool...

Doesnt even function anymore

An app that used to be slow, but at least usable, has turned into an unstable mess. As others have noted, on a good day, Hipchat struggles to perform its most basic function: sending and receiving messages. It appears that we were spoiled by those good days, as I cant even do that anymore.

Good luck finding new messages

Theres no indicator given within the app to mark where the new messages are. This is a core functionality that is completely broken. Please fix ASAP. This app is useless otherwise.

Literally the worst app Ive ever used

Somehow the mobile version is slower and worse than the desktop version. Push notifications dont work and it crashes half the time. It is easier just to respond to email when you get a notification of a message received while offline.


Requires a unique email/account for each "team". I was unable to be invited to a room because I had an existing account. I have yet to receive a single notification.

Notifications are broken

Notifications inside the app are totally broken; once you open the app there is no way to determine who chatted you - this seems to be the most important part - if I do not know who chatted me how would I know what to read and respond. Would you please fix this.


App is nearly useless until you fix notifications.


My complaints are almost a bulletpoint list of all of the complaints. Locks up in random rooms. Integrations seem to hurt the mobile experience. Etc etc... Not a good representation of the desktop app at all. Get a message and it takes you to a random room Very strange.

useless on mobile

our team is stuck with hipchat because of company policy. its actually not that bad on desktop, but mobile app is pretty much useless. notifications are totally broken


Unfortunately we use hipchat at work and Im never able respond to urgent messages because the app keeps crashing. What a mess.

UX Designer

Very limited capabilities compared to Slack. No reminders which I used all the time. No preview for YouTube or Spotify. Also, if I close a notification and open HipChat later, it doesnt highlight my unread chats. This app is pretty useless.

Sub-Par Chat Application

While this app meets the basic requirements for sending and receiving messages, the usability is horrible. Simple features such as most recent chats at the top, sort users in alphabetical order or easy search just dont exist. You also cannot simply bring another person into a conversation. Instead you have to create a room which clutters up your already un-sortable list. HipChat has a long way to go before it is truly a competitive challenge to other chat applications.

Mobile app and desktop app are wanting

You stink

Wow not in a good way

Well used to like this app but now notifications dont work majority of the time and the off chance it does work when I open the app it doesnt tell me which room has pending unread message.. so constantly miss mentions... you cannot login into multiple teams also so thats a big let down especially since Slack has now come and raised the bar.. keeping up seems something hard for them to do.. improve it and my rating will improve otherwise business as usual..

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